Grangewood School was Established to Promote:
A faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in every pupil, which will equip them emotionally, spiritually and socially to face all of life's challenges.
Growth is fostered in pupils by providing increasing opportunities for accepting responsibility during their passage through the School. Pupils are given the opportunity to move into leadership roles in the academic, sporting, cultural or administrative aspects of the school.
Industry is practised through a challenging academic programme, which is offered to pupils through the curriculum. Great emphasis is placed upon the development of physical agility through Sport and the promotion of creative and artistic abilities through the Performing Arts.
Care is an essential part of Grangewood School. The School’s pastoral programme reflects many of the traditional moral values and seeks to support the family unit and to teach Christian values. We also recognize that all children are different, but we value each pupil and every one in their own right. Each child has their own talents and abilities, and we aim to encourage each pupil to develop their own special strengths and to grow in confidence and self-esteem. We emphasize tolerance, respect for others and openness to the truth. We expect all members of the School to help foster an ethos of care and consideration.
Discipline is a valued ingredient of life at Grangewood. The standards are clearly defined through the School's culture and expressed in a policy which recognizes the rights of every individual to feel safe, comfortable and free to achieve the highest levels of success in each of the many facets of School life. The key to the maintenance of this environment at Grangewood is the development of self-discipline and an appreciation of others.